For Thursday, April 04, The American Prospect Online taps the following Web content:
What does $7 an hour get you? A majority of state officials are resistant to Bush's plans to toughen welfare requirements. And journalist and author Barbara Ehrenreich tells us from personal experience that welfare reform just doesn't add up.
Just What We Suspected. The New York Times compares energy policy recommendations from the American Gas Association to a Bush's Executive Order. Did somebody say something about "policy plagiarism"?
What's on his mind? We know Bush must be busy. Yet he makes time for Mr. Rogers. What a kind-hearted soul .
Just cancel Florida elections. Even new technology doesn't seem to help much down there.
And they should help us? Human rights experts say our disregard for a range of international treaties undercuts efforts to strengthen the international rule of law.
Courts and civil liberties. In the first.federal decision against tactics used by the Ashcroft, the court hits back at the government, saying it's gone to far. Last week the ACLU won another case in which a NJ judge said that the government must release the names of detainees in NY jails.
From the Middle East. Alternet reports from Ramallah.
To Sue or Not to Sue. Slate's Timothy Noah challenges what he thinks is hypocrisy by conservative litigator Larry Klayman.
-- compiled by Prospect staff.