By Ankush
I'm not quite sure what point Isaac Chotiner is trying to get at here, but I do wish he would just get on with it and tell us what he finds so strange about the Edwards' behavior in the article about them in the Journal today rather than subject us to his deliberately vague or possibly just unformed thoughts.
Theclosest we get to any sort of claim beyond the fact that things are"weird" is the title of the post -- "The Edwards Familyand Privacy." Is Chotiner's argument that the Edwards are an unusuallyopen family? That would be noteworthy, I suppose, though why itcouldn't be stated outright is unclear. Or, more likely, is thesuggestion here that the Edwards family is putting on some sort of show-- revealing things they otherwise wouldn't about Elizabeth Edwards'simpending death -- simply to garner sympathy and attention? This wouldbe an alternative to the possibility that the woman wants to show thepublic that there's no shame in illness or death, and that she's notinterested in other people's definitions of what must be kept private.
Anyway: Do tell!