Womens eNews has the rundown on where the presidential hopefuls stand on the issue of sex education. All of the Democratic candidates say they support comprehensive sex ed, but I'm pretty certain all have voted to fund abstinence-only -- understandably so, because the funding is always bundled with other programs that Democrats support. (Hell, even Kucinich recently voted to extend abstinence-only funding through the end of the fiscal year.) Still, I'd like to see some pledges that, as president, they would do everything in their power to ensure federal funds only go to comprehensive, medically accurate sex education. Things aren't quite as clear-cut on the Republican side. Giuliani was OK with making condoms available to public school students in New York, and hasn't explicitly come out in favor of abstinence-only. McCain and Romney have mixed records, but both say they would back abstinence-only. And Huckabee, Tancredo, Paul, and Hunter are all unequivocally for teaching misinformation and gender stereotypes about sex to our nation's youth. --Ann Friedman