Tom Watson makes the case for Hillary Clinton. I don't disagree with much of what he's said. My problem is what he hasn't said. That Hillary Clinton, when she declares that Iran cannot be allowed to procure nukes and military force will be used if necessary, is lying. That and health care are my threshhold issues. Clinton has convinced me on health care. In some ways, I think she's the best of the set on the issue, and the most sophisticated in her political approach to it. But on foreign policy, her advisers, and many of her statements, scare me. When Holbrooke says, “she is probably more assertive and willing to use force than her husband," what comfort am I to take from that? When Clinton votes for Kyl-Lieberman -- being the only Democrat running for president to do so -- what am I to say?
I'm open to being convinced. On some level, I have trouble believing that Clinton would be stupid enough to bomb Tehran. But I can only take her at her word, at her advisers, and at her votes, and they all point in the same direction.