As Greg Sargent has pointed out, the front-page NYT piece attacking John Edwards' nonprofit, the Center for Promise and Opportunity, turned down the opportunity to interview any of the nonprofit's beneficiaries. I want to thank Ezra for noting that the CPO has been "an extraordinarily effective anti-poverty center" -- "If you care about poverty, this seems like $1.3 million well spent." But just so the gap in the space-time continuum opened by Leslie Wayne's terrible reporting can be closed, I'd like to point out some of the beneficiaries.
One of the major programs run out of the CPO sent 700 students down toNew Orleans to repair houses devastated by Hurricane Katrina. That'sthe program that these students were involved with. The house they were repairing belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Savage, the elderly folks just right of the middle. That's John Edwards in the back.