Big doings at the American Prospect this week, with the long-in-the-making announcement that Mark Schmitt will be assuming the executive editor position. I'd write some gushy prose about how much I respect his writing and have learned from his thinking, but I think I'd best save that for when I need a raise. Instead, I'll just link to this post, and remind Mark that long before he got this job, I coined the term "the definitive Schmitt." Meanwhile, Harold Meyerson -- who's been a wonderful mentor to me, and remains one of my favorite writers on the planet -- will be reverting back to full-time writing, which is a blessing for anyone who loves great one-liners and feels political commentary suffers from a dearth of analogies to old movies. We've also hired two new writing fellows, the immensely talented Tim Fernholz, formerly of Campus Progress and TNR, and the scarily insightful Adam Serwer, formerly dna of TooSense and Jack and Jill Politics. In case you haven't caught on yet, now would be an excellent time to subscribe to the magazine.