Barack Obama is 46 delegates away from clinching the Democratic nomination, according to DNC bylaws. And while Terry McAuliffe has said the Clinton campaign intends to work the phones in the hopes of getting even committed Obama superdelegates to change their minds, other comments suggest even die-hard Clintonites are moving slowly into reconciliation mode. According to Ben Smith at Politico, McAuliffe responded "we'll see" to a question about whether the race will continue after Obama reaches the magic number of 2,118 delegates:
We’ll see. We’re going to get through Tuesday’s votes. We’re going to see where we are, and we’re going to look at all of our options. Every option is on the table.
Of course, "every option" includes the option of conceding defeat. What's your prediction for what will happen after the last primary is over tomorrow? Will this week mark the end of this historic campaign, or will Clinton dig in her heels?
--Dana Goldstein