I actually think the New Dems are onto something when they suggest "Restart the 21st Century" as a 2008 election theme. We want a redo! And Obama is fairly clearly the guy to push that appeal forward. Hillary just ain't the change candidate. In the post, Ed Kilgore is considering Hillary's tricky identification with the past even as she runs to lead the future. I guess I don't really see the problem for her: She's running on a theme of competence. With her, voters know what they're going to get, which I think may be a more powerful appeal than many realize after the turmoil of the past few years. Change has its uses, but so does stability, and it wouldn't shock me to learn that a healthy portion of the electorate wants nothing more than to hand the country over to someone they basically trust and stop having to worry about what that cipher in the Oval Office will do tomorrow.