J. Christian Adams, the former DoJ lawyer conservatives embraced as a "whistle-blower" after he put forth a number of now-discredited claims about the Justice Department's handling of the New Black Panther case, has a beef:
Roger Simon notes that Greg Sergant’s attack on Andrew Breitbart misses the mark, especially given the New York Times’ checkered history, some of which I wrote about just this week at Tatler. The Times even had Soviet agents on the payroll! Andrew Breitbart has been accurate far more often than not, and people like Greg Sergant can’t abide it. Yet Sergant has his own history of publishing inaccurate statements. I should know, because the dismissal of the New Black Panther voter intimidation case saw Sergant repeatedly shilling for the government using half truths and outright falsehoods.
It's Greg Sargent, not "Sergant," he writes for the Washington Post, not The New York Times, and the post he links to was written by me, not Greg, not like my name is right at the beginning of the post or anything. In a post less than 300 words long complaining about Sargent's errors, of which he doesn't name a single one, Adams makes no less than three.