By Ezra
I'm heedless. Reckless. Rash and unthinking. I shopped, ignoring the warnings, on Black Friday. And despite all the folks complaining about Christmas music, I thought it was great. Mostly because of all the Christmas music. I, after all, spend all year waiting for Christmas music. I spin Christmas Remixed -- which really is one of the best CD's you'll ever hear -- during all manner of non-Holiday seasons, but don't tend to take up the real Bing Crosby stuff till the Big Day is actually upon us. But once the carols become ubiquitous, I'm as stoked a jew as you've ever seen -- I go from mall-o-phobic to an eager shopper.
I write this, though, because I seem to be the only one. Everyone else I know despises Christmas music and wants to go all Seattle-protestor on every retailer who plays it. So, question of the day: where do you stand? Are you, like me, objectively pro-Christmas tunes, or just another scrooge?
Update: Dude! There's a Christmas Remixed 2! This is the best Christmas ever!