I mentioned earlier that the debate tonight was being sponsored in part by the "clean coal" industry. The ads tonight won't let us forget it.
Just a reminder: the industry would like to see the government fund "coal to liquid" tech to convert coal to vehicle fuels – which produces twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as regular gasoline. They also want to build as many plants a possible before emissions regulations are adopted, and they have been active in lobbying against those regulations.
Energy and climate change have come up only briefly tonight – and nothing about coal. Obama has taken heat for supporting clean coal, which caused him to temper his previous statements of support, and Clinton (quite smartly) made coal a very tiny portion of her big energy plan. Edwards has also been trying to walk the thin line on coal. It's becoming a contentious issue for Dems. Would have been an interesting subject to hear them debate live.
--Kate Sheppard