From The Corner, where May is hiding:
News reports are saying that more than one million protestors are on the march in more than 60 cities.
This is a remarkable organization feat. Who's behind it?
It requires a lot of money to put together an effort like this. Who's supplying it?
And what is their real agenda?
Do the MSM have any interest in such questions?
They want to steal your precious bodily fluids, Cliff, your precious bodily fluids.
As it is, I just got back from the DC rally. I haven't the skills to do estimates, but there were more human bodies there than I've ever seen in my life. The Mall was packed, one side to the other. And if I'm pretty sure it was the largest crowd I've ever witnessed, I'm dead positive it boasted more American flags than I've ever seen. The chants of "U-S-A" were thunderous, and when they rang out, and the American flags waved en masse, you couldn't have found a NASCAR audience in the world that was more patriotic.
What do they want, Cliff? They want to be Americans. I'll have pictures later.