Over at Time, Karen Tumulty adds some reporting to rumors I've heard that Hillary Clinton's campaign is in an accelerating cash crunch. As the stories go, by the end of Sepetember, she had abut $50 million on hand. Around $20 million of that was earmarked for the general election, and couldn't be used in the primary. Tens of millions more were then soent in Iowa and New Hampshire, though we don't, at this point, know how much. But "most of it" is an entirely conceivable number. Clinton, however, lost Iowa. And so the fundraising bump that was expected to replenish the coffers never came. And the donors they would ordinarily ask are either maxed out or uninterested in funding the campaign that lacks momentum. This is why, for instance, the Hillary Clinton homepage is currently anchored by a massive "CONTRIBUTE" button, while the Edwards and Obama pages are not. That said, nobody has the real numbers here, so this isn't a sure thing. But it's being said by a lot of folks who have crunched the available data, and who're looking at this pretty closely.