So I'll be taking today off, but in lieu of blogging, I offer some interesting links:
Off-White: Bill Barbaro's piece on the role ethnic identity is playing in the New York gubernatorial race between Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino is a fascinating account of the latter chapters of American integration and a reminder of how important questions of ethnic authenticity remain in American politics. Also it's nice to know that somewhere in the country, being a rank homophobe is a political liability.
Drones Grounded? Jeff Stein reports that an intellectual-property lawsuit involving the company that developed the targeting software for the drones that have become such a significant part of the administration's counterterrorism efforts may end up grounding them.
Pam Geller profile: The problem here is not that The New York Times decided to profile Geller. The problem is this: "Her assertions became common talking points for Republican leaders and other opponents." In a world with responsible Republican leadership, Geller would still be an obscure blogger with a broken caps lock. In any case, Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer clearly state who she is and what she believes.
Still Waiting For Superman: For some reason, the pro-charter school documentary Waiting for Superman is still getting lots of hype. If you haven't already, you really should read Dana Goldstein's piece explaining why the film's argument is a bit too simplistic.
I'll be back tomorrow.