My tiny baby sister got into UCLA last night. I'm very, very proud of her. Story time: I transferred to UCLA in my junior year, which turned out to be the right way to do it. Being at Santa Cruz left me so desperately bored that I started something called a "blawg," which ended up dictating the rest of my future. Had I started at UCLA -- a substantially larger, more challenging, more involving place -- I probably would have joined a bunch of clubs, sat in on more lectures, ate more 25 cent cookies (and dollar cookie-ice cream sandwiches), and gone to law school. Odds are high that I'd be a tool -- as opposed to a nerd -- by now. As it was, by the time I got to UCLA, I was writing at Pandagon, and shortly thereafter, I spun off into my own Typepad site, and the daily pull of blogging easily overwhelmed the university experience I was supposed to have. One night, I found myself sitting on the lobby couch at the Hilgard House and complaining to virtual friend Matt Yglesias that studying for midterms was a drag. He suggested I apply for The American Prospect writing fellowship (which is accepting applications right now, incidentally). I did, I got it, I graduated early, and I moved out to DC. The next year -- the year I was supposed to graduate -- the fellowship was canceled for lack of funds. My future would have been entirely different if I had started at UCLA, or stayed the full 2 years after transferring.So I guess, Lili, my advice is that UCLA does nothing but stand in the way of your dreams. But enjoy it anyway! And congratulations!