Aaron Schock, Illinois Republican and candidate for the seat of retiring Congressman Ray LaHood, deserves credit for coming up with an even crazier policy proposal than the ones embraced by even Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy team. Some choice quotes from Schock's policy manifesto (PDF) which, in style, tortured syntax, and overheated nuttiness resembles nothing so much as the poorly photocopied manifesto of some four-member revolutionary Trotskyite party (all emphasis in the original):
If I am elected I will propose a bill that will use the CIA estimate of how much Iran gives Hezbollah each year, to spend the same amount from us to fund freedom fighters inside Iran who want to overthrow Ahmedinejad and the Ayatollahs.Oh, and then he's going to double the amount the following year and then triple it and so on... No mention is made of who these freedom fighters are, where they come from, or what effect the perception of U.S. support will have on them. But wait, it get's crazier: