Or, at least, it's excellent news from my non-contrarian perspective. Maybe this will be a counterproductive decision that will also lead to a Republican landslide. After all, surely Peter Beinart's claim that the rejection of same-sex marriage rights by New York state courts would be good for same-sex marriage rights in the state has been vindicated by New York's ongoing exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage rights. And who can forget how badly the New Jersey court's civil union decision hurt the Dems in the 2006 elections? And how Goodridge was roundly rejected in Massachusetts? And how the extremely unpopular 2008 California Supreme Court decision has turned the election by cutting Obama's lead in California to a razor-thin 15 points?
Frankly, I don't know when proponents of same-sex marriage will start accepting this kindly concern trolling advice and start recognizing that losing is better than winning.
--Scott Lemieux