THE CONSERVATIVE ID. I'm wary of getting into a lot of meta discussions about blogs, but what the hell. Ben hints at it in responding to Blake, and this is perhaps not going to inspire widespread agreement among readers and commenters (or fellow Tappeders), but it needs to be said: The Corner is must-reading. I don't read as many conservative blogs as I probably should (as Specialist kindly reminds us, reading at least some is important so as to avoid too much cocooning), but The Corner is truly vital, a smorgasbord of conservative sentiments, thoughts, impulses, biases, arguments, and -- these days -- angst. You've got dead-ender Bush-loyalist hackery mixed with principled conservative self-critiques mixed with plenty of liberal-bashing mixed with truly vicious infighting mixed with intelligent analysis mixed with abject goofiness mixed with interesting provocations and off-message arguments. It's the conservative id. And in the era of the GOP crack-up, it's only getting more awesome to behold.
--Sam Rosenfeld