CRACK REPORTING. K-Lo quotes a congressional Deep Throat on the upcoming race for minority leader:
One top house source tells me: �[Pence] believes the GOP must recommit to the principles and vision of Ronald Reagan in order to successfully take back the majority.�Whew. Lucky her source didn't say that on the record!In any case, brace yourself for some Reagan nostalgia. The right will spin this one as a rejection of liberalism, pork, and spending. That the last major Republican loss -- 1998's repudiation of the Gingrich revolution -- was a rejection of Gingrich's rejection of liberalism, pork, and spending won't, I predict, much matter. In any case, progressives would do well with a Pence-led majority, as the cruel austerity of his philosophy is the sort of thing Republicans have traditionally worked assiduously to conceal. Putting it on public display just as we enter a recession will be...interesting.
--Ezra Klein