By Neil the Ethical Werewolf NARAL's endorsement of Lincoln Chafee gets so much discussion because it lets us talk about an issue on which everybody has strong feelings -- how should progressive groups regard the Democratic Party? Given the sad history of the Daschle-era Senate Democrats, it's understandable that lots of people worry that the Democrats aren't willing to fight for liberal causes. But a close look at the Alito nomination makes it clear that the only way progressives will get anywhere is by donkey. Anybody who counted on the supposed GOP moderates for help was sorely disappointed. Of the four Republican Senators -- Specter, Snowe, Collins, and Chafee -- who are regarded as moderates, only Chafee was willing to vote against Alito on the floor. Nobody voted for a filibuster, and Specter cast the deciding vote to help Alito through the Judiciary committee.