Arguing that the market doesn't always produce optimal outcomes, Tom Lee writes, "There's every reason to believe that, had a superficially similar but fundamentally superior technology to MS-DOS been selected, we would all be better off. Now of course I can't say that definitively. Maybe the productivity gains of an all-Unix world would have been so great that we'd have accidentally opened an interdimensional portal to Dinosaur World by now and all been devoured." I just spent some time on the phone with a reporter doing a story on the DC blogging world that will probably make us all look like assholes. But the great secret of the DC blogging circle is that the best writer among us isn't actually a professional writer, but instead a tech geek. It's really, really annoying. On the bright side, Tom's post is a nice defense of non-market solutions to certain problems. It really is worth remembering that the internet is a chaotic, beautiful market laying atop a centrally planned structure. Worth a read.