DAY O' PETRAEUS. For a good wrap-up of Day One, see Sir Benen. Day two, in the Senate, is going considerably better. Biden's opening statement was terrific, and Hagel's assault on Petraeus and Crocker was something to behold. They don't seem like supermen any longer: They're largely being berated. Right now, Kerry is actually doing a very good job asking why we're not holding the Maliki government to its own promises. He's reminding the audience that our metrics are the ones the Maliki government itself asked us to use -- and they can't even come through on those. Meanwhile, says Kerry, Petraeus and Crocker need to show us how Anbar province has anything to do with reconciliation rather than with a few Sheiks tired of seeing their daughters raped and their sons killed. He's doing a helluva job. --Ezra Klein