Not to be overly fair here, but if I were giving daily speeches, on camera, over a period of months, you'd probably be able to string together a video of me looking a bit befuddled too. McCain's enduring a pretty grueling campaign schedule right now and has proven his physical and mental fitness for the presidency, at least to my satisfaction. If you try and equate his age with senility, a lot of voters will notice that he's not senile and dismiss the assault. But though the 71-year-old Arizonan isn't senile, he's definitely out of touch. In the year 2008, when information technology is deeply integrated into most every sector and drives a substantial portion of our economy, the president should know how to use e-mail, and accessing the internet all by himself should be part of his everyday life, not a campaign promise. But if you try and argue that the bright-eyed, cogent politician on the TV every night is secretly in the throes of early dementia, not only will that attack fail, but related, fair criticisms will probably be discredited also.