You've really got to read John Cole ripping Hugh Hewitt a new asshole over his cavalier, see-no speak-no hear-no approach to torture. (It does bring up an interesting question, though: can you tear a new asshole in an asshole? Ah well, that's probably best left for the logicians.) And so too, it seems, is torture best left for the opposition, as the right clearly can't deal with it. Watching so many of them respond to torture reports has been a bittersweet hoot, I'd not known such capacity for self-distraction existed. I read about innocent cab drivers being kicked in the leg until they die from brain clots while hung from the ceiling and think, my God, what have we come to? Hugh Hewitt and his ilk see the same story and think, Goddamn MSM!
That's one powerful filtering mechanism they've engaged. Can't say I blame them though. Even a tepid, long since repented supporter of the war like myself is overcome with guilt when reading these articles. For Hewitt and friends, the only way to keep sane seems to be demanding that the articles cease existing, and, for good measure, condemning those who dare help make them manifest. The act, after all, didn't cause them a bit of pain, but the retelling must be, excuse the pun, torture. Because they know, as I do, that in some small way, all of us who supported the war are culpable.