Cliff May on torture:
"On one extreme of the debate over interrogating terrorists are the Jack Bauers, those who -- like the lead character in Fox’s hit series “24”-- think you do whatever it takes to get the information you need from someone plotting mass murder. At the other extreme is the anti-war left: They wouldn’t harm a hair on 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s head to save Disneyland at Christmas."Leaving aside the question of why it might be more desirable to save Disneyland on Christmas ("Oh, it's only Arbor Day? Hmm...better get the sheikh some more hot cocoa."), I should point out, once again, that the real difference between the two groups May describes is that the former actually exists. May sets up these two extremes, one which supports the electrocution of genitals and the other which supports reiki massage, in a transparently bogus attempt to locate a "reasonable, waterboard-supporting middle" to which he and all other serious and thoughtful people belong.