Kids today. No sense of history. Matt Zeitlin writes, "methinks the entire “revealing of Digby” charade going at the Take Back America Conference is just a little lame . And the entire idea of a pseudonymous person being popular or influential because of what they write on the Internet is just a little too reminiscent of Ender’s Game. Should we be calling Digby Demonsthenes or Locke?"
Better not call her Demosthenes. Demosthenes is a grandfather of the blogosphere. If I'm not wrong, he's the first lefty blogger I ever read. And I remember being stunned -- genuinely astonished -- to see the word "props" in the context of a serious political post. It, like, blew my mind, man, and was, in retrospect, a weirdly meaningful signal that this type of political commentary was somehow fundamentally different, and open to some no-nothing college kid. And speaking of Demosthenes, the aged grandfather of the blogosphere is still slinging pixels. Read him here.