The best part of conventions are not the speeches or the parties, but the delegates. People who love politics, who care about politics, and once every four years, or maybe once in a lifetime, achieve a little recognition for their quiet advocacy and become, just for a moment, part of politics. On my way into Denver, I met a delegate named Nancy Ruth White. White's from Redlands, California, a retired teacher whose first convention was in 1972 on behalf of the McGovern campaign. She's also a Hillary delegate, one of the 300 who signed a petition to put Hillary's name on the floor. But her take on the act isn't exactly what the media would have you believe. "I am a Hillary delegate," she said, "but very committed to Barack Obama being our nominee...Before I signed onto this petition, I checked and made sure that both the Hillary camp and the Obama camp were in agreement. Hillary is supportive of Obama and wants to keep the party united and with that assurance, I was more than happy to sign." Full interview here.