DISCIPLINE AND PUNISH. Say what you will about Tom DeLay, I don't think you can get around the fact that there's something honorable about the way -- contrary to almost every relevant aspect of the American tradition and the basic structure of our political institutions -- he built an effective, disciplined legislative caucus. Of course, at the end of the day the effective caucus he built was twisted and evil, but that's another matter. Future progressive legislative leaders still have some lessons to learn from his successes.
Besides future progressive legislative leaders, progressive magazine bloggers could learn a lesson or two as well -- everyone seems to have forgotten about this week's TAPPED subscription drive. On a DeLay-led blog, those failing to mention the urgent need to subscribe to The American Prospect would no doubt be facing dire consequences as we speak. Writers would groan under this oppressive yoke, but at the end of the day we'd all be stronger for hanging together.
--Matthew Yglesias