Donald Trump has his finger on the pulse of black America (via Ben Smith):
Donald Trump was asked just now on Fred Dicker's radio show about African-American support for President Obama.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks," he said, continuing to call the overwhelming black support for President Obama "frightening."
Two things. First, anyone who refers to black people as "the blacks" is, by definition, bereft of a good relationship with African Americans. For further evidence of this truth, see Dr. Laura's recent outburst.
Second, can we please put the "black people support Obama because he is black" trope to rest? Barack Obama won massive African American support because he is a Democrat; his 95 percent support among African Americans in 2008 was only slightly higher than John Kerry's 88 percent in 2004, and Al Gore's 90 percent in 2000. Yes, African Americans were excited by the promise of a black president (which may have contributed to their slightly higher turnout), but party loyalty explains the vast bulk of black support for the president.