Dana notes that something is missing in the class photo of G-20 spouses: Dude-spouses. "Conspicuously absent are Néstor Kirchner, the former president of Argentina and husband of that nation's current leader, Cristina Kirchner, as well as Joachim Sauer, the chemist who is married to German Chancellor Angela Merkel." See for yourself (Photo from TPM):
As Dana says, it's all for the good if the First Dudes decided they had better things to do than vie for inclusion in the Daily Beast's "20 Sizzling Spouses" (no link, as I don't want to encourage them), but how come none of the wives felt the same? It's almost -- almost -- as if there's some sort of double standard in effect.What If Interlude: Imagine if Bill Clinton had ended up in that picture. Would have made a helluva statement, no?