EDWARDS' STRENGTH: John Nichols of The Nation highlights a poll that shows John Edwards is the only Democrat to beat John McCain in a head-to-head matchup. Nichols ascribes Edwards' advantage over Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to his position "as the far more progressive candidate in the race." A more cynical progressive might point instead to the facts that Edwards is the only one to have ever been on a national ticket, that he has looks and charisma, or the that unlike Clinton and Obama, he is a white man. Nichols also seems to take Edwards stronger positions against the war and Bush's Supreme Court nominations at face value, when they may be largely explained by the fact that being out of office gives him more leeway. Even so, Nichols is probably right to point to Edwards' "concern about the growing gap between rich and poor in what he describes as 'two Americas,'" as one reason for his appeal. I know a few people at this magazine trumpeting the return of populism who would agree.
--Ben Adler