by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
During today's debate at YKC2K7, Hillary Clinton ... and I'm paraphrasing here ... said universal health care would be her first priority as President. At February's AFSCME Presidential Forum, when asked about the feasibility of universal health care, Clinton said "I want universal health care by the end of my second term." Now, perhaps there's a position change that's occurred, but the voters deserve to know just how willing Clinton is to go to the mattresses for health care reform. This followed on half-truths—repeated again at this debate—relating to "ending the war". Again, Clinton is not the only politician to engage in this game of half-truths, but it's really something the world could do without, and that the press ought to call them on. To tie it in with the "Blogs and the Mainstream Media" panel, the words candidates say are news, but it's perfectly within bounds for news outlets to asses the truth value of those words.