It's one of the depressing oddities of the presidential campaign that the candidate with the most "credentials" on terror is the candidate whose city was unprepared to stop, or effectively respond, to the worst terrorist attack in American history. It would be as if the CEO of a company that engaged in Enron-like practices emerged a champion of corporate rectitude because after his firm was found out, he gave a really good speech, and seemed somewhat upset.
Neither candidate would, at any point, have shown extraordinary competence on the issue, or proven himself uniquely or even generally capable of combatting the threat. Instead, they're just good emoters. So it is with Giuliani and 9/11, which is why I'm glad to see Wayne Barrett continue to try and remind folks of how poorly Hizonnah actually handled the situation, and how often he literally lies about both his experience on the matter and his attention to the matter.