Last week, SurveyUSA came out with a gigantic 50-state 2008 presidential poll. They polled 200,000 people, running 60 head-to-head matchups between potential Democratic and Republican nominees in each of the 50 states and DC to simulate real presidential elections with the electoral college. (So basically what you have here is over 3000 state polls, each with a tiny sample size.) Candidates with no name recognition fare too badly in this kind of poll, so Obama and Bayh fans shouldn't take the results to heart. But for people with lots of name recognition, the data probably has some value. Given that this is McCain Sunday, I'm going to list the electoral votes that each Democratic contender gets against him:
Evan Bayh - 14 (He only wins Indiana and DC)
Joe Biden - 37 (only DC, New York, Delaware)
Wes Clark - 9 (only Arkansas, DC)
Hillary Clinton - 187 (the only New England state she wins is MA??)
John Edwards - 266 (wins the Carolinas and Midwest, but not New England)