Speaking of Obama's foreign policy, Samantha Power, who's loosely affiliated with the campaign, wrote a long memo defending Obama's positions and framing them as a challenge to a foreign policy CW that's repeatedly proven a failure. This piece is an example of what I was talking about before, as I don't see much in it that Hillary Clinton would actually disagree with. It's not exactly progressive radicalism to say "End a war we should never have fought, concentrate our resources against terrorists who threaten America. End the counter-productive policy of lumping together our adversaries and avoiding talking to our foes. End the era of politics that is all sound-bites and no substance."
That said, the fact that Power is writing it actually says a great deal. Samantha Power, after all, is a very progressive foreign policy thinker, and her allegiance to Obama suggests that she senses a certain amount of agreement with her views. That the person Hillary Clinton turns to for her defense memos is the deeply hawjish Mark Penn is similarly telling. Their choice of advisors is says much more than the framing of their press releases.
The words both sides use may not be very different. but the differences nevertheless exist.