So Lindsay let that cat out of the bag. The Dutch Board of Tourism, in a show of spectacularly good judgment, has decided to send me, and a variety of other bloggers, to Amsterdam for week. As you can imagine, I argued strenuously against it, but there counterpoints of beer, Europe, and bicycles quickly won me over.
So uh, any of you live in Amsterdam? Any of you know cool things to do while there?
I leave, as of now, on February 16. The only blogger I know I'll be overlapping with is Jeralyn of Talkleft. She will, I imagine, force me to carry her luggage (I have some experience with this). Otherwise, I'll be writing an article on biomass and sustainable development (for a previously-planned special report, natch), exploring the beer selection, and exploring the beer selection again.
I must say, blogging is pretty damn awesome.