If hindsight helps you see better, it can also make you forget how bad your vision was in the past. I see this happening with many of my friends on the left who forget how horrible our state of information was in October 2002 during the Iraq War Resolution. Michael Tomasky brushes aside John Edwards' apology for his pro-war vote, saying "I don't go for Edwards' story either, all thatblather about the faulty intelligence and how was he to know. Nonsense.The WMD argument was just one of several lies the administration waspeddling at the time."
But even the Senators who voted against the war fell prey to the Administration's WMD deceptions, including antiwar hero Russ Feingold: "And with regard to Iraq, I agree that Iraq presents a genuine threat,especially in the form of weapons of mass destruction: chemical,biological and potentially nuclear weapons." And here's Robert Byrd: