The official email statement from Hillary Clinton congratulating Barack Obama on his win in South Carolina seems pretty mundane at first, until you get to this line: "We now turn our attention to the millions of Americans who will make their voices heard in Florida and the twenty-two states as well as American Samoa who will vote on February 5th."
But wait. Florida doesn't matter to the Dems. At least it's not supposed to, according to the DNC. Unless of course you're Hillary Clinton and you want to make it matter, because it may actually matter for you. She's poised to win pretty solidly here, though for the time she won't get any delegates out of it, and she must be hoping the win will give her a bounce before Super Tuesday. Though the Democrats aren't allowed to campaign here, there aren't any rules against pandering via email. There are also no rules against fundraising here, which Clinton will be doing at a $1,000-per-person event on Monday in Sarasota. So she's certainly hoping to make it matter here for her.
--Kate Sheppard