I'm of the firm belief that all the folks contemplating an Al Gore escape plan are entirely delusional. In addition to being impractical and not the most democratically sound manner of selecting a candidate, we need him out there working as the country's leading spokesperson for action on climate change.
Gore seems fairly content right now serving as the self-appointed "P.R. agent for the planet," and he provides the much-needed voice of environmental consciousness in this country. He won a Nobel Prize for it. He's slated to appear on "60 Minutes" this weekend taking on all the remaining climate skeptics. His Alliance for Climate Protection is set to launch a new $300 million ad campaign on global warming next week. The work he's doing in the climate and energy arena is absolutely imperative, and would unfortunately only be one among many issues he'd have to take on as president. The country (and the planet) needs him pushing the next president on climate change, not attempting to be the miraculous savior of the Democratic Party.
--Kate Sheppard