THE FEMINIST CANDIDATE. What does it mean that Kate Michelman, former head of NARAL Pro-Choice America, has signed onto John Edwards campaign? Combined with the hesitancy of black leaders to automatically throw their support to Barack Obama, does it mean that we are entering a post-identity politics era? Or simply that professional feminists care more about the issues than symbolism? In an interview with Salon, Michelman lists national security and economy/poverty/health care among the issues women most care about. Edwards, of course, has made the latter his turf, and if by national security you mean a desire to stop violence, as Michelman does, then Edwards pro-withdrawal from Iraq position puts him closer to her on this issue than Sen. Clinton. Michelman has some kind words for Clinton and admits being conflicted about not supporting her, so I don't think this in itself will be much of a blow to Clinton, though it may be a coup for Edwards. But I do think that if feminist leaders generally prioritize more left-leaning stances on a spectrum of issues over supporting the female candidate, that will become a major problem for Clinton.
--Ben Adler