Sen. Chris Dodd: He spent time with Sen. Kennedy last week.“He is doing well. He is anxious to be back here,” and become engaged in the debate. “It is something he cares passionately about.”[...][Dodd] would like to see Congress and the White House move quickly, with a bill through the Senate by Memorial Day.
Various legislators have quietly told me that they're impressed with Dodd's quick embrace of the issue and confident that his dealmaking talents will come in handy when the legislation needs to be brought in for a landing. He is already being treated as a key player in the process and many expect his role to increase as Kennedy's condition worsens. Indeed, it's thought that he'll succeed Kennedy as chairman of the HELP Committee when Kennedy ultimately does leave the Senate. Meanwhile, Dodd has every reason to identify himself with health reform and associate himself with success; it may be his only chance to secure an accomplishment large enough that Connecticut voters forget the terms of his mortgage.