Here's some commentary from my dad, Steven Goldstein, a New York native who now lives in Tallahassee. He's part of the famed "transplant" voting bloc that was supposed to help the New Yorkers in the race. At least on the GOP side, that support is evaporating for Rudy Giuliani. But my dad articulates why, in the minds of so many Baby Boomer Florida Dems, Clinton remains their favorite, even despite the Ted Kennedy endorsement, which brought back so many inspiring memories of the 1960s.My dad's opinions, of course, are completely his own, and represent neither my opinions of those of TAP. I think he's too willing, for example, to overlook Clinton's wrong-headed vote to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. But commenters -- please be respectful if you disagree. This is my dad's first foray into blogging!

I'm voting for Hillary tomorrow morning. She reflects my centrist/liberal views on domestic issues and, regarding foreign policy, I feel she has the best balance of world view common sense and "balls" than any of the candidates, Republicans or Democrats. The Kennedy support of Obama does have an influence on me. I greatly admire the Kennedy family, worts and all. JFK and RFK were heroes to me. JFK was "my" President more than any other. I met RFK and shook his hand when he was running for his New York Senate seat. Yes, it does very much feel that Obama is a political successor to JFK. JFK was no liberal in today's sense but he was compared to Nixon, the Republicans, and the politics as usual at the time, in 1960. Obama does generate much of the same excitement that JFK did. If Obama wins the Democratic nomination I will support him enthusiastically. My heart pulls me to Obama. My brain pulls me to Hillary. I'm voting for Hillary.--Dana Goldstein