Brian Beutler reports that Frank Ricci has sued the New Haven fire department before—under the grounds that they weren’t hiring him because he was dyslexic. His settlement with the fire department got him a job and several thousand dollars to reimburse his legal fees. Buetler comments:
Ricci will testify against Sotomayor before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week—this despite the fact that his views on jurisprudence seem to begin and end with the proposition that legal protections against discrimination are great when they work in his favor, and unconscionable when they don't.
As I've written before, this is the crux of conservative thought when it comes to discrimination in American society, and completely vindicates the Bender Theory of Discrimination: that is, discrimination only matters, and should only be dealt with when conservatives perceive it as affecting them, or people "like them".
Of course, it's worth quoting Bender Bending Rodriguez one last time:
“This is the worst kind of discrimination: The kind against ME!”
— A. Serwer