Over at the Carpetbagger, Steve Benen has a nice little takedown of John McCain's tax position and fiscal solvency. The Arizona senator supports continuing George W. Bush's tax cuts, which would cost the Treasury about $400 billion, or somewhere between 10 and 12 times as much as if McCain, Lord Supreme of All Mavericks, were able to eliminate every single earmark in the federal budget—and good luck with that, sir. (Related note: This morning the Washington Post is running on its op-ed page side-by-side-by-side commentaries from economic advisers working for McCain's as well as Hillary Clinton's and Barack Obama's campaigns.
It continues to amaze me how McCain gets such a free pass on ridiculous statements and more ridiculous proposals. If McCain proposed putting eliminating the federal deficit by putting all the artifacts in the National Archives up for sale on eBay--and added, during his announcement, that he believed the eBay staff was being trained by Iran--he would get away with it.
--Tom Schaller