Just a stray thought: John Edwards has that great line about the Democratic field being an “embarrassment of riches” and the GOP field just plain being an embarrassment. Though bearing no ill will to Republican spouses as people, isn’t that even more true of the major candidates’ wives and a certain notable husband? Michele Obama was very compelling the other day at an event in Grinnell. Elizabeth Edwards is bold and appealing, and keeps plugging away despite her health situation. And, of course, though Mr. Clinton has his detractors, his political abilities and stardom are not in question. A pack of Teresa Kerry's this is not. Look: Ann Romney has a compelling health story of her own in battling multiple sclerosis, and I wouldn’t mess with Janet Huckabee because she might could have Cheney-like aim, but, at least among the top Iowa competitors, the Democrats have an undeniable spousal edge. --Tom Schaller