Via Dana Goldstein, the "No on Prop 8" (Prop 8, by the way, is the ballot initiative to ban gay marriage) ads are some of the best political ads I've seen. Arguably, they're a bit too Gen-Y to be applicable in other parts of the country, but for California, they should do just fine. My two favorites:
The messaging of these ads is pretty interesting: They're aimed more at turning out supporters than convincing opponents. The message is fairly clear: You can be a troglodyte, or you can step forward into the future. There's the chance that the ads will turn off as many voters as they'll turn on, but the Prop 8 opponents are making a simple bet: That when activated, their base is bigger. It's not a bet I've seen gay marriage proponents make before, and it suggests that their polling and data shows the issue changing rapidly enough that they feel able to run a campaign that attempts to win, rather than just tries to avoid losing.