Shakes here...
Senator Huggy McClingman, sometimes also known as John McCain, appeared on Meet the Press in a new capacity today—as an expert on emotionalism. And who are we to argue with someone who clearly isn’t afraid to show his emotions, even toward a man whose 2000 campaign branded his wife a junky and started a whisper campaign that his adopted Bangladeshi daughter was his illegitimate black child? I mean, that's someone whose experience tells us love conquers all. Or, failing love, an unfettered desire for power.
Anyhoo, McCain's expertise on said topic was in full flourish this morning, as he opined on the motives of his colleague, Rep. Murtha.
MCCAIN: I think he has become too emotional and understandably so. He goes to funerals. He goes, as many of us do, out to Walter Reed, and he sees the price of war. And I think that that has had some effect on him…
I see McCain's point. It's probably better to avoid funerals of fallen soldiers altogether so as not to compromise one’s bull-headed determinism to “stay the course” with a little thing like emotion. Or reality.