NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. More support for the view that President Bush will not be withdrawing troops from Iraq during his time in office comes in the form of this disturbing anecdote in The Dallas Morning News this morning, which was forwarded to me by a liberal writer. Syndicated columnist Georgie Ann Geyer writes:
[T]here is not much real give in the administration's policies. True, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other American diplomats met Memorial Day weekend with the Iranians in Baghdad (a good first move but limited, since the Iranians have most of the power because of our incredible stupidity in Iraq). But by all reports, President Bush is more convinced than ever of his righteousness.I do wish the sourcing on that anecdote were a little more transparent, however.Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated "I am the president!" He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of "our country's destiny."
--Garance Franke-Ruta