In the past, I've always papered over breaks and trips with guest bloggers and reduced posting. Not this time. I figure I've spent so much of this year talking about the importance of vacation time that it'd be a tad hypocritical not to make a real go of it. So this blog is shutting down until New Years Day. I'm flying home to California and road-tripping up the coast with a few good friends (the photo atop this post is from Big Sur, one of my favorite spots on Earth). I'll return to the site on January 1st, which is also the day I fly out to New Hampshire to do on-site primary coverage until January 9th. I've even got one of those cool Verizon modem thingies that allow me to blog from a hut in the woods in the snow under the sea. So it should be fun. And if readers have ideas or requests on particular events, individuals, or trends they'd like to see covered in NH, I'm open to suggestions. Till then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And thanks for making 2007, and the start of this new blog, so exciting.Ezra(Photo used under Creative Commons license from Flickr User Lohit)