Posted by Jedmunds
I'd like to begin my inaugural post here by thanking Ezrafor inviting me to join his weekend crew. It's an honor to join such a great cast that includes some of myfavorite bloggers. I hope to prove aworthy addition to the team and that I am somehow able to pull my weight amongsuch a talented group.
Now with the smooches out of the way, as sincere as they are- and they are sincere – I'd like to discuss the role and viability of the“single issue” group in today's political climate, specifically “single issue”groups that are considered part of the larger progressive movement. Kos of dailykos, who you may have heard of, has long argued that “single issue” groups are outdated and even counterproductive in this contemporary political environment of conservative ascendancy. I disagree, for reasons I’ll go into detail below.